Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Autumnal Equinox: Reflections on Balance

It’s been coming for some time now.  Cooler nights.  Longer nights.  While we have enjoyed one of the driest periods of time on record in the PNW we all know what is coming next.  Clouds and mist.

Before we go rushing into the future, anticipating the need for rain boots, a waterproof coat and a change of clothing; or pining for our single layer summer days; let’s pause and observe what has been creeping up on us, the autumnal equinox.  For a single day in the autumn and a single day in spring, the balance between light and dark on the planet is even.  The opposing qualities of light flitter into brief harmony.

Interestingly enough, the concept of duality or opposing qualities has been following me around like an annoying little sibling (much love to my three younger siblings!)  When something presents itself over and over in my life, I have learned to pause and reflect on what I might need to learn from this concept. 

Our minds have a need to create order and categorize.  When we were running around with little less than sticks, rocks and trees to protect ourselves, this served us rather well.  It helped us survive. Buddhist thought asks us to step out of the duality of good and bad, right and wrong and accept all aspects of life as experience.  I often speak about this as radical acceptance or big love. 

Being a human being means, we have an amazing capacity for emotion.  It runs the gauntlet from high to low.  I am learning more and more to value the lows.  To stop running away from frustration, irritation and embarrassment and to sit with it.  To say to myself, oh, this is what anger feels like in my body, in my mind, and in my energy. 

The question then becomes could I hold with as much love the parts of my life and myself that I dislike as much as those parts that I do like?  Could I practice radical acceptance, not only a narrow like for the ease in my life but a love without borders for every part of my life?  The effort for this kind of living must be fierce.  But with practice, as with all things, it gets easier every day. 

On this day after the equinox, I choose to appreciate the highs and lows in my day.  I am reminded of the dual necessity of summer and winter, light and dark, a season of growth and a season of rest.  Balance, by design, is all inclusive….  big love!